Read again without glasses with lens replacement in Stockholm

Refractive lens exchange surgery could give you freedom from glasses if you are 50-plus

Read again without glasses with lens replacement in Stockholm

Refractive lens exchange surgery could give you freedom from glasses if you are 50-plus

Take the first step and see if you're suitable for lens replacement surgery

Discover the criteria needed to qualify and take our self test to find out!

Be self-reliant with lens replacement surgery

Our patients truly enjoy life once they change how they see the world

Imagine reading again – without glasses

After lens replacement, you’ll be almost wholly free from spectacles and glasses, and you’ll enjoy that clarity of vision for the rest of your life.

Feel an easing sense of freedom and convenience

Perhaps you’ll feel a little relieved that you made the right decision. You might even wish you had done it sooner.

Gain a level of confidence that you did not know you had lost.

Being spectacle free can make you feel young again and revitalises your energy.

Say goodbye to needing to remember your reading glasses

Your vision will no longer negatively impact every waking moment. Every day will feel easier and lighter after lens replacement.

It's not only how you see the world but also how the world sees you

Getting your eyes treated doesn’t only change how you see – it can change how others see you.

Courageous, modern, up-to-date - these are just a few adjectives we hear that our patients are called after they have lens replacement.

You can shape your life the way you want it

Enjoy the simple things – like switching from reading and soaking up a gorgeous view. Gone are the days where you needed as many specs as pairs of old socks. This is your time to enjoy life - just the way you want.

Be self-reliant with lens replacement surgery

Our patients truly enjoy life once they change how they see the world

Imagine reading again – without glasses

After lens replacement, you’ll be almost wholly free from spectacles and glasses, and you’ll enjoy that clairty of vision for the rest of your life.

Feel an easing sense of freedom and convenience

Perhaps you’ll feel a little relieved that you made the right decision. You might even wish you had done it sooner.

Gain a level of confidence that you did not know you had lost.

Being spectacle free can make you feel young again and revitalises your energy.

Say goodbye to needing to remember your reading glasses

Your vision will no longer negatively impact every waking moment. Every day will feel easier and lighter after lens replacement.

It's not only how you see the world but also how the world sees you

Getting your eyes treated doesn’t only change how you see – it can change how others see you.

Courageous, modern, up-to-date - these are just a few adjectives we hear that our patients are called after they have lens replacement.

See at all distances without glasses in 3 easy steps

Vision correction can be confusing. We’ve made the journey as straightforward as can be


Not everyone is suitable for treatment. The first step is to get a clear answer on whether there is a treatment option that can help you or not. Give our friendly team a call on +46 73 971 60 84 or use our easy online calendar to book a free assessment.


At your assessment , we’ll answer your questions and give you a clear and honest recommendation based on your needs and lifestyle. You’ll leave with a confident understanding of the best treatment option for your unique eyes.


After treatment, people across Sweden tell us how surprised they are by how quickly their life changes and how young they now feel. Reading a restaurant menu, scanning their phone or driving without glasses are all possible once more. Most people say that they wish they had done it years earlier!

Discover if you can be free from glasses and contact lenses

The best way to find out if eye treatment is right for you is to have a free assessment. We'll examine your eyes and you'll get a clear answer from our experts on your suitability and lens options.

How lens replacement can transform your life

Discover how this revolutionary eye treatment can give you visual freedom in moments
Lens replacement (refractive lens exchange, RLE, PreLEX) is also known as refractive lens exchange, (RLE, PreLEX), clear lens exchange, or Prelex.

You may be a good candidate for lens replacement (refractive lens exchange, RLE, PreLEX) if:

  • You want spectacle-independent vision akin to what you enjoyed during your youth but are not a good candidate for laser vision correction
  • You have a glasses prescription that is higher than the accepted range for laser eye surgery
  • You are starting to experience changes in your vision due to the effects of ageing in the eyes
  • You do not have pre-existing problems with your eye health, such as glaucoma.
  • You want to avoid the eventual need for cataract surgery.
What is the right age for lens replacement?

Lens replacement can help you if you are:

45-55 years old and need glasses
As your near vision deterioriates as you age, you may have adapted to wearing reading glasses, progressive glasses or multifocal contact lenses. If a combination of these solutions is not ideal for you, we can help you see clearly again without them.

Over 56 years old
You might experience blurred and foggy vision. You may experience increasing difficulty seeing at night and the colors look fainter. You may not be able to see as clearly when you do a hobby. Perhaps you do not recognize faces on the street. You might have difficulty reading the newspaper and / or reading the text on TV. If this describes you, you may have cataracts. We can help you see clearly again - and often remove your need to wear glasses or contact lenses at the same time.

Lens replacement surgery involves replacing your eye’s clear natural lens with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL).

Doing this corrects your prescription to achieve sharper focus, reducing your need for reading glasses or bifocals.

The procedure is the same as it is for a cataract surgery, however we can use a special lens to address focus problems at all distances so that you can also free yourself from glasses and contact lenses.

  • The benefit of lens replacement surgery is that it can treat certain eye conditions such as presbyopia and extreme far-sightedness.
  • Lens replacement treats or prevents cataracts, astigmatism, presbyopia, long-sightedness/far-sightedness, short-sightedness/nearsightedness, corneal problems and dry eyes.
  • Lens replacement removes reliance on glasses and other corrective lenses and reduces the headaches and eye strain associated with their use.
  • Lens replacement acts as an alternative for people who cannot have other corrective eye surgeries for whatever reason.
  • Lens replacement also generally improves eye health and reduces the likelihood that you’ll develop an eye infection. Of course, depending on the specific conditions of your eyes and how they affect you, you might receive only some of these benefits. But these are the most common benefits for lens replacement.
  • People with a severe (>-10D) short-sightedness or nearsightedness (myopia) are at a greater risk of retinal detachment during lens replacement. Therefore, they should only have the surgery if other surgeries are not viable.
  • It is rare but possible that you might have to undergo further post-lens replacement surgery (i.e., laser eye surgery) to gain the full benefits to your vision.
  • Lens replacement surgery can be more expensive than LASIK or other more common types of eye surgery aimed at younger adults.

Lens replacement is a more invasive surgery with a higher risk of complications than other vision correction procedures.

But, the higher risks may be an acceptable trade-off if you have a severe refractive error and a strong desire to be less dependent on eyeglasses, contact lenses and/or reading glasses.

Lens replacement risks and complications include:

  • Retinal detachment, especially in extremely nearsighted people
  • Dislocated IOL
  • Increased eye pressure (ocular hypertension)
  • Infection or bleeding inside the eye
  • Droopy eyelid (ptosis)
  • Glare, halos and blurry vision from multifocal IOLs

Lens replacement alternatives include:

  • PRK / LASIK, or ICL for short-sightedness, long-sightedness or astigmatism - but then you will still need reading glasses after 40 years of age.
  • Reading vision correction treatment such as Presbyond / PresbyMAX and laser blended vision, but the results will need a top up in less than 10 years.

When you have lens replacmeent, your surgeon will discuss lens options with you.

There are generally three types of IOLs available to replace your natural lens, depending on your vision needs and the health of your eyes. They are:

  • Monofocal fixed-focus IOLs. Monofocal lenses provide clear vision at distance, intermediate or near ranges — but not all three at once. Toric IOLs to correct astigmatism also are classified as monofocal IOLs.
  • Multifocal IOLs. A multifocal lens provides clear vision at multiple distances.
  • Accommodating IOLs. An accommodating IOL is a type of monofocal lens that enables focus at multiple distances by shifting its position in the eye.
  • Most of these IOLs come in toric versions, which correct for astigmatism.

Lens replacement surgery usually takes about 15 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis. We treat each eye separately, usually about a week apart.

Step 1: Firstly, we create a tiny, self-sealing incision in the front of the eye, where the white of the eye meets the cornea.
Step 2: Then, we create a circular opening in the membrane that covers the natural lens (called the lens capsule).
Step 3: Next, we break the lens into small pieces and remove the pieces from the eye. This is referred to as lens extraction.
Step 4: Finally, we replace the lens with an artificial lens into the lens capsule. We pre-select the lens based on your visual needs and goals.

After lens replacement, you will have sharper focus and have significantly reduced, if not eliminated, your need for reading glasses or bifocals.

Because the lenses are permanent, you will enjoy this level of visual clarity for the rest of your life.

Find the lens replacement option that’s right for your age, lifestyle and eyes

Lens eye treatment solves many different challenges

Need reading glasses all of a sudden?

You may be starting to experience presbyopia, which is a natural age-related condition that affects the ability to see near objects clearly. Good news - vision correction can help. Discover your options at a reading glasses treatment assessment.

Tired of switching on and off between glasses?

If you're one of the millions of people who are starting to experience blurry vision, you may be feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to finding a solution. Fortunately, lens replacement can help. Find out if reading glasses treatment could help you.

Are your eyes struggling with contact lenses?

Contact lens intolerance is a real problem for many people, who often find themselves unable to wear contacts at all or only for limited periods of time. Free yourself from irritation with permanent contact lens replacement. Book an assessment and find out if ICL treatment could help you.

Affiliations and memberships

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What our patients say…

We’ve helped thousands of happy Swedes gain freedom with lens replacement

“Jag önskade att bli av med både glasögon och kontaktlinser därför att det kändes jobbigt och tröttande att behöva ta av och på glasögonen under hela dagen samt att byta mellan kontaktlinser och glasögon. Linsbytes operationen var en gåva till mig själv i samband med min pensionering. Nu efter linsbytes operationen känner jag mig extremt lycklig och resultatet blev bättre än förväntat. Det känns som ett mirakel! Jag ser nu bra på alla avstånd utan glasögon och jag hade inte trott att det kunde blir så här bra.”

P De Gourville

“ Jag valde att utföra linsbytet vid Ocavis Ögonklinik därför att jag tycker att de har ett hade ett mycket trevligt och professionellt bemötande som inger förtroende. Nu efter operationen känns det otroligt bra och jag är väldigt glad för att jag äntligen beslutade att utföra linsbytet efter att ha funderat i flera år. Nu har kontrastseendet förbättrats och jag ser färger mycket klarare jämfört med innan operationen. Jag blir imponerat varje gång jag är ute och går över hur mycket klarare jag ser omgivningen utan glasögon. Det är otroligt skönt att slippa att tänka på att ha med sig glasögonen hela tiden, speciellt med tanke på att jag tidigare alltid brukade förlägga de. Jag är mycket nöjd och glad över att jag valde att utföra min linsbytesoperation på Ocavis Ögonklinik.”

Owe Ödbrink

“Jag hade höga styrkor på mina glasögon innan operationen. Glasögonen var jättedyra och det var jobbigt att se sämre på alla håll då jag även hade gråstarr. Jag var rädd och ängslig inför min operation med implantation av trifokala linser av och jag valde Ocavis för min operation då alla på kliniken är jättesnälla och man märker att de är skickliga och proffsiga. Efter operationen hade jag en konstig känsla och det pirrade i hela kroppen på ett positivt sätt. Jag har haft glasögon i nästan 40 år och det känns otroligt att gå omkring att se så här klart utan glasögon på alla avstånd. Nu ser jag allt mycket klarare och det är fascinerande att titta på människor och den omgivande miljön nu när detaljer framkommer mycket klarare och jag inte behöver vara beroende av glasögon.”

R Thorrgren

“Innan linsbytesoperationen på Ocavis kände jag mig mycket begränsat på grund av problem med att se på nära håll vid läsning utan glasögon. Jag läser mycket och det är viktigt för mig att kunna se att läsa både på Ipad och Iphone. I mitt arbete som sjuksköterska delar jag ut mycket läkemedel och det är viktigt att kunna se bra. Redan samma dag efter operationen märkte jag att jag såg bättre utan glasögon på alla avstånd och det kändes oerhört tillfredsställande och roligt. Det känns nu väldigt skönt att slippa att hela tiden komma ihåg att ta med sig sin glasögon i vardagen för att kunna läsa. Hela upplevelsen på Ocavis var väldigt smidig och bra.”

S Kallisjärvi
We have replaced the images of real patients who provided these testimonials to protect their privacy.

Take this quick quiz to see if you can be free of glasses and contacts

Discover if you’re suitable for lens replacement by taking our 2 minute quiz or book a free appointment to discover whether this eye treatment can change your life

Hello, I’m Margrethe Rönbeck, MD, ögonspecialist, PhD

My vision is to provide my patients with warm and personalised guidance through their vision correction journey from start to finish. I run a highly individualised service to treat discerning patients with presbyopia (ageing eyes) and cataracts who want the best treatment and technology available.

Hello, I'm Samad Pourevahed MD, ögonspecialist, PhD

For the past 25 years, Samad Pourevahed has worked as a cataract and lens replacement surgeon at several private eye clinics and performed tens of thousands of surgeries.

He is a licensed physician with specialist training in eye diseases and eye surgery with solid experience in the field.